Wednesday 9 November 2011

Heading Backwards

For the first time in history will the children of America be less educated than their parents. What does this mean?

Well, first off it means the education system is failing, as children with all this information at their fingertips don't know how to use it or how to learn from it, it also means that maybe the education system isn't keeping up to date with advancements (why are we still being given printed notes in high school when we should get editable word documents?). Maybe children have realised that they don't need to perfectly remember anything as it can be looked up so quickly and efficiently and that they just need to have a basic understanding (I'm not even kidding, you can go to Google and type in "How to do financial Statements" and you will get over 10 000 hits, now you might not understand what the financial statements mean, but chances are with enough time you could compile a set correctly), however, I don't think this is the case...

What I think the main reason for this uneducated generation is that we are being fed lie, all we see on TV, movies is about some musician who made million after leaving the ghetto, about a sports star who earns millions of pounds a week, and children are being fed this dream subconsciously and now every single person thinks they are going to be the next Freddy Mercury, the new Tu-pac or the next Richard Branson. Well, I am truly sorry for you kids, but just because Mr. Branson dropped out of school and became a billionaire doesn't mean that every dropout will become this person, we are told stories (not bedtime stories) in high school about how we can do anything no matter what, and yes there are extremely mediocre ways to make money using only natural talent (I use mediocre in the lightest term possible, the likes of many a musician or sports star are geniuses in their own right), however, we should be hearing stories about the family man who went to school, got a degree, started as a clerk and worked his way up to manager, we should be being told stories about hard working normal men, not stories of the exception, you are just building these houses made out of fake dreams in innocent minds. There are 11 players in a soccer team; there are 1000 employees in a single business. You do the math, or Google it, I guess it depends on your level of education.

Seriously, just because you heard ONE story of ONE guy who become rich from nothing, does not mean it will happen to you, its time we start being taught rules more than exceptions, that people without degrees are lucky to have a job because there are thousands who have degrees and are poverty stricken, its time we stop dreaming about waking up one morning with some epiphany that will make us an instant millionaire and start working towards a reality.

This is my third blog raging against children haha, is it our fault for believing these stories or our teachers for telling them to us? Let me know...


  1. America's kids are "less educated" for two broad reasons. A) the measuring stick is broken. B) they can' t afford the tution, all part of OWS movement. Actually we also need to consider that many get by after dropping out of university, the reason is not because they can't do it and find something better, its because they teach themselves - autodiadactism is on the up and up amongst they young technocrites such as yourself.

  2. Yeah, but maybe the measuring stick is broken because in today's society it is extremely difficult to measure intelligence especially in a schooling system, and that's because of all the information we can get and learn by ourselves, but the point I was making was that everyday we are fed fairytale stories about how we will be rich just like Ronaldo or Messi, or how we can become billionaires even after we quit school at 16, but the truth is these things don't happen to everyone, these are not rules. They are exceptions
